5 Key Reasons To Use Video on Your Websites

Ignite engagement, boost SEO, and forge lasting connections with your team and your customers by using engaging videos on your website. Don’t just tell your story. Show It!

Zight | August 03, 2023 | 15 min read time

Article Last Updated: March 05, 2024

5 Key Reasons To Use Video on Your Websites

No medium reigns supreme, captures attention, and engages audiences like a well-crafted video. Its ability to engage and captivate audiences has been proven repeatedly. So, if you haven’t, isn’t it time to harness the power of video on your website to deliver exceptional and immersive experiences to your current and prospective customers?

Since attention spans are fleeting, a video cuts through the noise and delivers an immersive experience that holds your audience captive. With just a few clicks, you can transport your site visitors into a world of remarkable visuals, compelling narratives, and unforgettable moments.

Remember the monumental success of Jurassic Park? Michael Crichton’s bestselling novel was undeniably captivating, but Stephen Spielberg’s cinematic masterpiece shattered box office records and reshaped the entertainment world. This powerful example illustrates the undeniable impact of video—the ability to captivate, mesmerize, and leave a lasting impression.

Therefore, when you leverage the power of video on your website, you’re giving your brand a competitive edge. You provide an experience beyond the ordinary, captivating your audience’s imagination and leaving a lasting impression. So, take the leap and embrace the power of video on your website. Don’t keep your customers waiting, and start incorporating videos on websites.

The takeaway is clear: A piece of text, no matter how good, can’t compete with a well-made video. So, let’s dive in!

Would you like to go straight to recording some videos for your website? Well, get started by signing up for a free Zight account and start recording those how-to videos for your customers right away!

Screen Record & Screen Capture
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  • Record your screen
  • Annotate your videos with text, arrows, lines, and blur
  • Instantly share with a link

What Can a Video Do for Your Website?

With the increasing popularity of video backgrounds, your website has the potential to engage, educate, and inspire like never before. But what exactly can a video do for your website?

1. Enhance Communication and Captivate

When conveying information on your website, ask yourself if the video could be a game-changer. Gone are the days of complex video production. Thanks to the user-friendly video recording tools available today, creating high-quality videos is as simple as creating written content. Engage your audience with visually appealing and dynamic video content that grabs their attention and keeps them hooked.

2. Engage the Senses and Connect

users remember what they watch on video

Take advantage of the human brain’s natural affinity for video. By presenting someone on screen who explains concepts or guides you through problem-solving, you tap into millennia-old methods of information absorption. Let your audience see, hear, and connect with your content in a way that text alone can’t match.

3. Cater to Modern Preferences

Remember those wide-eyed pre-teens enchanted by Spielberg’s T-Rex? They’ve now grown into influential decision-makers, driving the business landscape. To meet their preferences and gain a competitive edge, embrace video as their preferred medium of information delivery.

4. Unleash Your Expertise

Videos on your website open doors to showcasing your vast knowledge base. From tutorials to product demonstrations and beyond, video brings your expertise to life, building trust and fostering deeper connections with your audience.

5. Boost Visibility and Engage Longer

video marketing increases search visibility

Embrace the power of videos to boost your website’s visibility. By keeping visitors engaged and watching your videos more, you’ll significantly increase their “dwell time” and your site’s search results.

6. Harness the Potential of Video on Your Website

Let your website design come alive with captivating videos that inform, inspire, and leave a lasting impact. By leveraging the power of video, you’ll revolutionize your communication, engage your audience, and unlock new levels of success.

Embrace the potential of video to transform your website into an engaging and dynamic platform. Utilize videos to enhance communication, connect with your audience on a deeper level, cater to modern preferences, showcase your expertise, and improve your website’s visibility.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Video on Your Website

Using video on websites can have numerous benefits and enhance the overall user experience. Here are five reasons why you should incorporate video into your website:

1. Increased Engagement

Video content can captivate and engage website visitors in a way that text and images alone cannot. Videos can convey information more effectively, evoke emotions, and tell stories in a visually appealing and dynamic manner. Adding video to your website lets you grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged for extended periods.

2. Enhanced Visual Appeal

Videos, especially when used as background elements or large background videos, can significantly enhance the visual aesthetics of your website. They add a sense of motion, depth, and interactivity that can make your site visually remarkable and memorable. Incorporating video backgrounds or visually appealing homepage videos can create a unique, immersive web design that stands out.

Videos can help you make your website more engaging by breaking up the text and providing a more visually appealing experience. This can help keep your visitors’ attention and encourage them to spend more time on your website.

For example, you could add videos to your product pages or create a video about your company’s culture. This would help keep your visitors engaged and interested in your website.

3. Improved Delivery of Information

Some concepts or ideas are better conveyed through video rather than text or static images. You can demonstrate the features, benefits, or functionalities of your products or services more effectively with video content.

By showcasing real examples, featuring actual employees, or presenting your brand story through video, you can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your offerings to potential customers.

4. Increased Conversion Rates

Video on websites has the potential to influence purchasing decisions and drive conversions by providing a more interactive and engaging experience for your visitors. It can serve as social proof by featuring testimonials, reviews, or demonstrations of satisfied customers.

For example, you can use videos to explain your product or service or to show how to use it. Watching the video can give potential customers a better sense of your products or services, helping them make more informed decisions. You can boost conversion rates and increase sales by strategically incorporating videos on product pages or service descriptions.

In addition, browser-sized videos can help you increase conversions by building trust with your visitors. When people see a video of you or your team, they better understand who you are and what you stand for. This can help them feel more comfortable doing business with you.

5. Better Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines often prioritize websites with engaging and diverse content, including videos. Adding video to your website can boost your search engine rankings and better your chances of being discovered by internet users. People searching for information on Google are likelier to click on a video result than a text result. This is because videos provide a more visual and interactive experience, which can be more appealing to users.

In addition, videos will help you in ranking higher in SERPs because they can be used to target long-tail keywords. Although long-tail keywords are less competitive than short-tail ones, they can still generate much traffic. Videos are a great way to target long-tail keywords because they can be used to create highly relevant content.

Additionally, videos embedded on your website can drive traffic to your YouTube channel, expanding your online presence and reaching a wider audience.

How to Make Engaging Videos for Websites

Since video has become an indispensable medium for website communication, you must know how to use a unique approach to stand out. Let’s help you out!

1. What to Use: Zight (formerly CloudApp) Makes it Easy

Zight for your video recordings

Zight is your secret weapon for effortlessly integrating videos that captivate and connect, making video integration effortless and impactful. It is the ultimate solution that simplifies incorporating compelling video content.

With its user-friendly interface, Zight empowers anyone to record, save, and share videos effortlessly. Seamlessly integrate video backgrounds, captivating website designs, and retro Americana-style visuals that leave a remarkable impression on your visitors. Just drag and drop to share files, add annotation, and let your retro Americana style shine with stunning video backgrounds that leave a lasting impression.

No more settling for ordinary web design. With Zight, your site becomes a playground of visual wonders. From perfect videos that fit seamlessly into your layout to engaging auto-play features that grab attention from the get-go, Zight ensures your first impressions are unforgettable.

animated video

But it’s not just about looks – it’s about telling your story. With Zight, you can weave a narrative that resonates with your audience. Showcasing real examples and testimonials will create a remarkable experience that captures hearts and minds. And the best part? Zight integrates with popular workspace apps like Slack, Jira, and Trello, making collaboration and sharing a breeze.

The right videos in the right places on your website can drive your sales, marketing, and communications strategies. They can also help clients solve their problems without contacting your support department. Let Zight bring your website to life with captivating clips, infectious energy, and a touch of retro cool. It’s time to stand out, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impression. Elevate your web presence with Zight – because your brand deserves nothing less than video perfection.

2. The How

Luckily, now you understand why you should consider adding a background video or increasing the use of video for your website. If you do it right, viewers will end the experience with not just the information they were looking for but also a feeling that they have a more positive connection to your brand. Here are a few best practices for async videos.

a). Have a Clear and Clean Background Video

We’ve all been on video meetings and conferences for years now. There are no excusing rookie mistakes. Keep a clear and clean video background, dress professionally, position the camera at or above eye level, and set your face to friendly, not “resting grumpy,” before hitting the “record” button.

b). Craft a Brief

Know what information you’ll cover but don’t write out every word. Think of it like a call with a client who has an issue – you’re the calm, confident content expert leading them past their problem. An expert doesn’t need a script, right? But preparing a series of sticky notes along your monitor might be a good idea to keep you on track.

c). Be Engagive

Don’t think of yourself as talking to the camera. You’re talking to the real humans on the other side through the camera. Smile at them, and speak using hand gestures and facial expressions, as you would when talking with a friend.

When done right, your videos can be a welcome break in someone’s day that might be full of emails, text, and messaging apps. Whether it’s B2B marketing, product walkthroughs, or in-house communications, not only will the viewer get the information they were seeking, they’ll come away with a stronger personal connection with your brand.

3 Ways to Add Video to Your Website

Add Videos background to your website

When it comes to adding website videos to your website, you have several options. One method is to record videos using Zight, a platform with recording and hosting capabilities. Another option is to record videos independently and upload them directly to your website. Lastly, you can embed videos from popular platforms like YouTube onto your web pages.

Each method of adding a high-quality video to your website provides flexibility and allows you to showcase engaging video website content to enhance your website’s user experience. Let’s explain each method in much more detail below:

1. Record Video Using Zight and Embed It on Your Website

Zight is a video recording and hosting platform that allows you to capture videos directly from your webcam or device camera. Visit the Zight website and sign up for an account if you haven’t already.

Once logged in, use the Zight recording interface to record your video. You can record using your webcam or mobile device camera or upload a pre-recorded video.

  • After recording or uploading your video, you will receive an embed code. This code is a snippet of HTML that you can insert into your website to display the video.
  • Copy the embed code provided by Zight.
  • Access the HTML code of your web page where you want to embed the video.
  • Paste the Zight embed code into the appropriate location within the HTML code.
  • Save the changes to your web page, and the video will be embedded and playable on your website.

2. Record a Video and Upload it to Your Website

Use video recording software or apps of your choice to record your video. Ensure that the software or app allows you to save the video in a compatible format, such as MP4 or WebM.

  • Once you have recorded the video, save it to your computer or device.
  • Access your website’s content management system (CMS) or file manager.
  • Locate the directory or folder where you want to store the video on your website’s server.
  • Upload the video file from your computer or device to the chosen location on your server.
  • In the HTML code of the web page where you want to display the video, use the HTML video tag to specify the video source file using the “src” attribute. You can also add additional attributes like “controls” to enable video playback controls.
  • Provide fallback options within the video tag for browsers that do not support the video format you used. For example, you can include a link to download the video file or display a message asking users to upgrade their browsers.
  • Save the changes to your web page, and the video will be embedded and playable on your website.
How to Embed Videos

Upload your video to a popular video platform like YouTube. Ensure you have an account and the video is uploaded and processed.

  • Visit the video’s page on the platform and look for the “Share” button below the video player.
  • Click the “Share” button, and a list of sharing options will appear.
  • Click on the “Embed” option. This will provide you with an embed code specifically for the video.
  • Copy the embed code provided by the platform.
  • Access the HTML code of your web page where you want to embed the video.
  • Paste the embed code into the appropriate location within the HTML code.
  • Save the changes to your web page, and the video will be embedded and playable on your website.

Which Pages on Your Website Should Have Videos?

When deciding which pages on your website should have videos, it’s important to consider the purpose of each page and how video content can enhance the user experience. By strategically placing videos on these different pages of your website, you can engage visitors, provide valuable information, and increase the chances of converting them into customers or leads.

Notably, you should continuously optimize the videos for load times and ensure they are high quality, relevant, and the visual flourishes to the content on each page. Here are some recommendations for incorporating videos on different pages of your new website:

1. Home Page: Product Explainer Videos

The home page is often visitors’ first impression of your website, making it an ideal location to include product explainer videos. Including product explainer videos as your homepage video can effectively introduce your offerings, highlight key features, and showcase their benefits.

These homepage videos should provide a brief overview of your products or services, capturing visitors’ attention and encouraging them to explore further. By leveraging visual storytelling and engaging content, product explainer videos on your front page can capture visitors’ attention and entice them to dig deeper into your website.

2. Product/Service Page: Demos

Visitors seek detailed information on the product or service pages to make informed decisions; therefore, it’s essential to provide detailed information to potential customers. Video demos can visually demonstrate how your products or services work, showcasing their functionality and usability.

By showing your offerings in action, you can give visitors a more engaging and immersive experience, helping them understand the value they can expect.

3. Landing Pages: Promotional Videos

Landing pages are designed to capture leads or promote specific campaigns. Including promotional videos can effectively convey your key messages, generate excitement, and encourage visitors to take desired actions.

Promotional videos should highlight the unique selling points of your products or services, evoke emotions, and create a sense of urgency or exclusivity, ultimately motivating visitors to convert.

4. Testimonials Page: Successful Customer Stories and Case Studies

The testimonials page is an opportunity to build social proof and credibility. You can provide compelling evidence of your products or services’ benefits by featuring videos showcasing successful customer stories and case studies.

These videos should showcase real customers sharing their positive experiences, emphasizing the benefits they’ve gained from your products or services. Authentic and relatable testimonials can help build trust and encourage potential customers to facilitate decision-making.

5. Blog: How-Tos and Detail-Specific Demos

Blogs often serve as educational resources or platforms for sharing insights. Incorporating how-to videos or demos can be highly beneficial when creating instructional content or detailed explanations.

These videos can provide step-by-step instructions, practical tips, or visual demonstrations to help readers understand complex topics or learn new skills. Adding video to your blog posts can increase engagement and improve the user experience.

Including video content in blog posts increases engagement, enriches the user experience, and enhances the overall value of your content.

6. Knowledgebase: Product How-Tos and Illustrations

If your website has a knowledge base or FAQ section, incorporating videos can enhance the effectiveness of your support resources. Product how-to videos and illustrated explanations can guide users through common issues or demonstrate advanced features.

Visual demonstrations can make it easier for users to understand and resolve their problems independently. This reduces the need for support inquiries and fosters a positive user experience.

7. Careers Page: Employee Stories and Culture Videos

The careers page is an opportunity to showcase your company culture and attract potential employees. You can provide insights into your workplace environment, values, and team dynamics by including employee stories and culture videos.

These videos create a personal connection with candidates, helping them envision themselves as part of your organization. Highlighting the unique aspects of your company culture and the experiences of your employees can differentiate you as an employer and attract top talent.

5 Best Practices for Adding Videos on Your Website

When adding videos to your website, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure an optimal user experience and maximize the impact of your video content. Here are five best practices for adding videos to your website:

1. Optimize Video Load Times

Large video files can slow down your website’s load times, negatively impacting user experience. Optimize your videos by compressing them without compromising quality. Consider using video formats such as MP4 and utilizing video codecs like H.264 or H.265 to reduce file size. Additionally, leverage video hosting platforms or Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to deliver your videos efficiently.

2. Use High-Quality Videos

Ensure your videos are of high quality and resolution to provide a visually appealing viewing experience. Blurry or pixelated videos can create a negative impression and reflect poorly on your brand. Purchase the best recording equipment and editing software to capture and produce sharp, clear, and engaging videos.

3. Provide User Control

Avoid autoplay videos that start automatically when visitors land on your web page. Autoplaying videos can be intrusive and disrupt the user’s browsing experience. Instead, provide a prominent and easily identifiable play button so that users can control when they want to start the video. This lets them choose if and when they engage with your video content.

4. Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

With many internet users accessing websites through mobile devices, ensuring your videos are optimized for mobile viewing is crucial. Use responsive design techniques to ensure videos adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. Consider using HTML5 video players, which are compatible with most mobile devices and browsers.

5. Relevant Placement

Place videos strategically on your website to enhance the user experience and align with your content. Consider the purpose of each page and how video content can support and supplement the information presented. For example, use videos on product pages to demonstrate features or provide tutorials.

On your homepage video, introduce your brand or highlight key offerings. Match the placement of videos with the user’s journey and ensure they add value to the overall website experience.

Conclusion on Video on Websites

Incorporating videos on your website is a surefire way to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for your visitors. You can showcase your brand, captivate potential customers, and increase user engagement by adding video content to different pages, such as the homepage, product/service pages, and testimonials page.

Whether through product demos, customer success stories, or explainer videos, website videos can convey your message effectively and leave a remarkable impression. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage the captivating world of video to showcase your business, engage your audience, and create a remarkable online presence.

Get started with Zight

Ready to learn more? A member of our demo team would be happy to give you a full tour. See how Zight can help you make videos more easily and effectively than ever before. We make work easier by making communication visual.

Create & share screenshots, screen recordings, and GIFs with Zight